SciArt Exchange engaged over 12,000 participants of all ages and backgrounds, from over 60 countries, in the future of space exploration and development.
NASA Commercial Crew Program
Children's ART Contest

Attention parents, teachers, and students worldwide! It’s that time of year, and NASA’s Commercial Crew Program (CCP) is holding its annual artwork contest to help star-seeking children get engaged with the excitement of space exploration.
Now through Oct. 25, 2023, children ages four to 12 years old can submit artwork in four space-related themes. Winning artwork will be selected from three age groups in each theme, and first, second, and third place selections will be used to create an out-of-this-world calendar for 2024!
SciArt Exchange has helped NASA with their 2017-2023 art contests and we are excited to help again in 2024!
Now through Oct. 25, 2023, children ages four to 12 years old can submit artwork in four space-related themes. Winning artwork will be selected from three age groups in each theme, and first, second, and third place selections will be used to create an out-of-this-world calendar for 2024!
SciArt Exchange has helped NASA with their 2017-2023 art contests and we are excited to help again in 2024!
2020 Design Your Habitat Campaign
Started in 2020 and ongoing today, the Design Your Habitat Campaign was originally created to support our more socially-distant, global community during the global pandemic and is the first of our #XpandYourHorizon Challenges.
We developed a fun series of speakers, performances and positive creative hands-on activities over 8 weeks in April and May. We invited youth and adults to do the activities and then submit their creations so we could share our favorites virtually with everyone worldwide! The journey continues!.... All the activities are still open, and we are adding new activities from educators and entrepreneurs worldwide! |
2019 Humans in Space Art
Moon-themed Youth Competition
The Moon-themed Humans in Space Youth Art Competition opened in late January 2019. The multi-media, international contest closed May 15, 2019, and an extended Greater Houston visual-art-only contest closed July 31, 2019. The artwork tour began with the Humans in Space Art Celebration on August 17th, held at the Los Angeles Vortex Dome, with a 360-degree multimedia show. Contact [email protected] to join the tour and host an exhibit or live performance using this wonderful artwork set.
Project Mars Competition
Shoot A Film. Make a Poster. Tell Your Story of NASA’s Plans for Mars!
SciArt Exchange is pleased to have partnered with NASA on
the global Project Mars Film and Poster Competition for college and early career professionals.
The competition closed in fall 2018. Please visit the contest website to see the winners and finalists
and to learn about upcoming display events worldwide! Contact [email protected] to join the tour and host an exhibit or live performance using this wonderful artwork set.
SciArt Exchange is pleased to have partnered with NASA on
the global Project Mars Film and Poster Competition for college and early career professionals.
The competition closed in fall 2018. Please visit the contest website to see the winners and finalists
and to learn about upcoming display events worldwide! Contact [email protected] to join the tour and host an exhibit or live performance using this wonderful artwork set.
New horizons
ultima art campaign
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is exploring the farthest reaches of our solar system. It flew by
the Kuiper Belt object "Ultima Thule," with its closest approach at 00:33 EST on Jan. 1, 2019. Students ages kindergarten through 12th grade were invited to submit artwork considering how This planetary encounter was the most distant in history! What would we see? The contest closed at the end of 2018. |
STEAM Your Science
Excite the world about your science!
SciArt Exchange worked with the Lunar and Planetary Institute on a “STEAM Your Science Competition” for attending scientists at the 49th Lunar and Planetary Space Conference in March 2018. |
2017 Eclipse Over Houston
SciArt Exchange partnered with the Lunar and Planetary Institute to engage the public and
celebrate the 2017 Solar Eclipse with a Houston-wide literary and visual art contest for all ages.
celebrate the 2017 Solar Eclipse with a Houston-wide literary and visual art contest for all ages.
Humans in Space Youth Art Competition
The Humans in Space Youth Art Competition encourages children aged 10-18 years old to submit visual, literary, musical and video artwork with their visions of the future of space exploration and development. Our most recent Youth Art Competition was in 2019 with a Moon-theme (see 2019 gallery.) See results here from our 2010 and 2012 contests.
Humans in Space Art Challenge
The Humans in Space Art Challenge engages college students and early-career professionals to envision the future of space exploration and development and have their artwork displayed worldwide.
Humans in Space Art CAFÉ
The Humans in Space Art Celebrity Artist-Fed Engagement (CAFÉ) project invites professional artists to work with scientists and engineers to support the development of space-inspired artwork of all types.