Sputniko’s (www.sputniko.com) interests include the intersection of “technology, pop culture and feminism”, and in addition to her musical training, she is educated in math and computer science. She has multiple accolades, including recognition as: a member of the Cool Japan Advisory Committee, one of the Nikkei Business’ list of the 100 Most influential People of Japan (2014) and the Vogue Japan Women of the Year 2013. She is the creator of multiple music videos and art installations and a new book, The Power of the Odd One Out (Japanese language only). She currently lives in Boston and is a professor in the MIT Media Lab running a project she calls Design Fiction, helping to inspire her students and her own future artworks. |
Cafe Inspiration and Artwork
Sputniko! (aka Hiromi Ozaki) visited Humans in Space Art in Houston, Texas in March 2013. She attended the 44th Lunar Planetary Science Conference to learn more about space science and technology by observing sessions and exhibits and talking with space scientists. She also had a tour of NASA Johnson Space Center. After her visit, she continued to work with Humans in Space Art via Skype and email to get additional information related to the development of a music video.
In October 2013, Sputniko released her music video, “Sputniko! — the Moonwalk Machine - Selena’s Step” about a teenage girl interested in space science and technology and putting her very own “footprint” on the moon. The video is showcased online and was presented as an installation at the Museum of Contemporary Arts Tokyo, the Brooklyn Museum, and the Istanbul Design Biennial.
Sputniko! worked with fashion designer Issey Miyake to develop a special “Super Moon!” handbag collection associated with the video. The small clutch bag looks like thin section slices of moon rocks from Apollo 12 and the box for the bag has a picture of the Moon.