#DesignYourHabitat Gallery
Enjoy some of the artwork our participants submitted below!
Students from the International Aerospace Academy's Virtual Reality Space Challenge submitted posters from their projects to Design Your Habitat.
The Aerospace Academy works to empower communities through research, technology, passion and meaningful projects. We are honored to work with their team! Check out their artwork. |
Jola Olawoyin, Infinite Void, Age 14, UK
Atharva Kulkarni, #DYH - My Factory On Pluto, Age 4, India
Benedek Payne,Ideal world, Age 14, UK
Statement - The earth is the only known planet capable of sustaining human life, thereby making it our ideal world...we need to focus on sustaining the only one we’ve got...We constantly divert our attention away from issues that matter...The clock will not stop ticking; if we continuously distract ourselves from fixing the issues in our world, then it will be too late. |
Oscar Fok, Modern Trip to Space, Age 12, UK
Statement - I was inspired by the space adventure trip and the feelings during a modern rocket space trip...launching...the experience in space... landing on Earth...you can sit back and enjoy your space ‘trip’! |
Angelina Marson, Jupiter or Mars, Age 13, UK
MUSIC by Theo Taylor, Empty Earth, Age 12, UK - I am concerned about the environmental impact of space travel on the Earth....Earth is our spaceship. If we carry on the way we are, we will end up with an Empty Earth.